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Causes and the Rights of the Injured Motorcycle Rider

Date Added: July 29, 2014 08:47:11 AM
Author: Sasan
Category: Blogs and Diaries
California is one of the car-centric states in the U.S., as evidenced by a lot of passenger vehicles moving along the states freeways and roadways. However, not all Californians own cars. Apparently, some prefer to use motorcycles as a mode of transport. For the most part, these two-wheeled vehicles are capable of performing at higher levels than cars do. This is why riders are often thrilled with the fact that they can maneuver themselves around traffic. However, it is through this aspect that they are highly at risk of meeting an accident on California roads, especially if theres no safety involved, plus the fact that motorcycles are less stable and less visible than cars. Indeed, like any other road mishap, accidents involving motorcycles are common in California and in the U.S. But what separates this type of personal injury accident is that it is known to be more deadly than the common passenger vehicle accidents that happen frequently in the state. In fact, in the latest data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), out of the 2,857 people who died in California, about 15 percent of them, or 426 of them, were motorcyclists. Serious injuries that result in either long-term disability or death on the part of the riders are certainly the end results in most motorcycle accidents in United States, more so if the following are factored in: • Lack of protection on the part of the rider and the passenger (e.g. not wearing protective gears such as helmets); • Lack of visibility of the motorcycle amidst traffic; and • Unsafe driving practices. According to the California Highway Patrol (CHP), more than half of the motorcycle crash in the state happen due to excessive and unsafe speeding, improper turning, ignoring the right-of-way, or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. While these involve the lack of care on the part of the rider, there are unfortunate incidents wherein the motorist, not the rider, is the one to blame. The same causes speeding, wrongful turning, ignoring the right-of-way, and driving under the influence that a vehicle driver may commit could also cause the rider to sustain severe to fatal injuries. When the driver is to blame for the rider injuries, it is important for the latter to exercise his or her rights. Under personal injury laws, the injured rider is entitled to seek damages from the responsible parties involved in the mishap. The damages he or she is entitled can be determined by hiring an expert attorney for motorcycle accident in California. By doing so, the injured party can be made aware of the potential amount of compensation he or she may secure from the responsible party based on the damages he or she incurred as a result of the accident. Typical compensation for motorcycle accident victims usually covers medical bills and other hospital expenses, lost wages and future income. Even human losses such as loss of companionship, love, care, and support, may also be entitled to the family of the severely injured victim.
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