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Title:Kahu Surf School
Description:Paulo is the owner and the lead instructor for "Kahu Surf School". Paulo was born and raised in a family tradition of surfing in Brazil and started surfing when he was 9 y. o. Paulo moved to Hawaii in 1986 to fulfill his dreams of the surf The North Shore big waves and accomplished that feat! After working as a surfing instructor at local surf schools Paulo decided to branch out on his own in 2018 and teach surfing to the visitors of Waikiki Beach. With more than 30 years of experience as a surf instructor, he can share and teach his knowledge of surfing with as many people as possible, disregarding their ages, sex, or religion. Paulo feels like everyone should learn how to surf...So they can release stress, have the ultimate and exciting feeling and exercise at the same time. Surf lessons can be captured on camera, so you can share surf videos and photos with the world. Your Waikiki surf lesson or tour can be easily customized, booked, and paid online.
Category:Enjoyment & Sports: Sports and Recreation
Site Owner:Paulo de Azevedo
Date Added:May 02, 2020 01:52:14 AM
Number Hits:77 for Kahu Surf School
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