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Title:Live video interview
Description:Live-Interview is an innovative site that enables recruitment and placement companies to streamline the first and most advanced screening processes of new employees. The site allows you to conduct a video interview using a predefined template. You can also perform a real video interview with a chat and save the interview on the cloud through our system. The system enables you to define templates of recorded work ideas. Recruiters can share information with other recruiters.Having the opportunity to assess properly every job candidate is what you need in order to select among them the most talented and best qualified employees. But it’s difficult to achieve that through traditional interview and recruitment methods. With video interviewing, however, candidates answer your questions in a video format that reveals their individuality and the level of their professionalism. In that video they can express their style and personality, as well as their communication skills and level
Category:Arts & Humanities: Job and Employment Resources
Site Owner:alon
Date Added:March 06, 2020 03:45:44 AM
Number Hits:116 for Live video interview
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